All Students
- Satisfy all requirements related to the degree program
- Satisfy the language competency requirement (See respective curricula for degree requirements).
- Make a payment for all outstanding fees
- Return all College equipment and library resources
- File for Graduation at the Office of the Registrar by the deadline:
Spring Graduation (May): Application period is from September 1 – March 1
Summer Graduation (August): Application period is from December 1 – June 1
Fall Graduation (December): Application period is from April 1 – October 1
Note: If your anticipated degree completion is in August and have 12 or less credits remaining, then you may “walk” in the May commencement ceremony. You must still apply for graduation by the March 1 deadline.
If you wish to change your graduation date, you must do so in writing. Your letter must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar.