Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, issued by the US Department of Education and the Office of Civil Rights, states that sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination, which is prohibited by federal law, and therefore is a civil rights violation. The College has designated Ms. Romana Manzoor, Program Coordinator, as the Title IX Coordinator. She will assist in matters of Title IX violations and supervises the College’s compliance with Title IX. Her contact information is: programs@aicusa.edu
A student may also contact her in order to obtain a copy of AIC’s internal complaint policy, located in the main office, or obtain a complaint form from the State of Illinois Department of Human Rights.
If a Confidential Advisor is requested, then the College will provide the survivor with one in addition to other support service options, emergency information, and other pertinent resources.
In accordance with 110 ILCS 155/15, AIC has adopted the following: