Tadabbur Al Quran: Strategies to Improve Your Relationship With Qur’an
Part Two
Part Three Session One
Part Three Session Two
Part Four
Part Five
Workshop Details
Dates: Wednesday, July 10 & 17, September 4, October 2, November 6, 2019
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm each day
Where: Conference Hall, Main Bldg, American Islamic College
Instructor - Dr. Talaat Pasha
Dr. Talaat Pasha holds a Ph.D. in Arabic and Linguistics from the University of Utah, MA in theoretical linguistics from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), BA in English language and literature from Egypt and BA in Islamic Studies and Chaplaincy from the renowned Al-Azhar University, Egypt. Dr. Pasha has taught and lectured at several universities in Egypt, University of Illinois, University of Utah, Middlebury College, Henry Ford College, University of Bahrain, and University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. He is currently the director of the Arabic Language Institute at the American Islamic College in Chicago.
Dr. Pasha’s teaching interest is Arabic language, Arabic syntax, morphology, and rhetoric, Arabic linguistics, and critical discourse analysis. The courses Dr. Pasha has taught include the following: Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), Readings In Classical Arabic, Quranic Arabic, Introduction To Sociolinguistics, Introduction To Linguistics, Current Issues In Arabic, Strategies Of Teaching Writing In Arabic, Strategies Of Teaching Reading Arabic.
Dr. Pasha ’s research focuses on critical discourse analysis, language and ideology, Arabic language and linguistics, pedagogy of Arabic as a foreign language (AFL). Dr. Pasha has a forthcoming book by I.B. Tauris, The (Mis) Representation of Islamism: A Critical Discourse Analysis Of The Egyptian Newspapersˆ.