Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Time: 7:00pm Light Refreshments will be Served
Where: Conference Hall, Main Bldg, American Islamic College
Lecture: Pastoral Care (Tazkiyat al-Nafs) and a Spiritual Anthropology of Al-ṭarīqa al-Naqshabandīyya
Speaker: Nora Zaki
Speaker Biography
Nora Zaki, Master of Divinity candidate at the University of Chicago, presented her senior ministry thesis.
“Those who believe and whose hearts are at peace in the remembrance of God. Are not hearts at peace in the remembrance (dhikr) of God?” (Qurʾān 13:28): Pastoral Care (Tazkiyat al-Nafs) and a Spiritual Anthropology of Al–ṭarīqa al-Naqshabandīyya
Nora specializes in Islamic Studies with interests in Qur’anic Studies and Sufism, particularly on re-reading theocentric interpretations into Islamic texts. Her presentation was based on ethnographic research conducted in Cairo during the summer of 2016.
The presentation was held on American Islamic College on May 16 at 7 pm. Light refreshments was served afterwards.